Paradigm of coding in Vue.js
Vue.js is a great framework for creating web applications. It is easy to learn and use. It has a lot of features that make it easy to create small and medium-sized applications. But when it comes to creating big applications with a lot of components, it becomes hard to maintain and scale. In this article, I will explain how to create big Vue.js applications with a lot of components and how to make them easy to maintain and scale.
As an example, I will show CRM with permission management, state management, REST API, and a lot of components.
Project structure
The first thing we need to do is to create a project structure. I like to use the following structure:
📂 .github
📂 public
📂 src
┣ 📂 api
┃ ┣ 📂 types
┃ ┗ 📜 index.ts
┣ 📂 assets
┃ ┗ 📂 images
┣ 📂 components
┃ ┗ 📂 common
┃ ┣ 📂 types
┃ ┗ 📂 buttons
┣ 📂 composables
┣ 📂 config
┣ 📂 containers
┣ 📂 data
┣ 📂 directives
┣ 📂 functions
┣ 📂 config
┣ 📂 global
┣ 📂 i18n
┣ 📂 layouts
┣ 📂 numbers
┣ 📂 plugins
┣ 📂 router
┣ 📂 store
┃ ┗ 📂 modules
┣ 📂 tests
┣ 📂 types
┣ 📂 utils
┣ 📂 validation
┣ 📜 App.vue
┗ 📜 main.ts
Let's go through each folder and see what it is for.
📂 api
This folder contains methods for working with REST API. Let's see how it looks like:
export default async function <T>(method: string, route: string, req: any = {}, showToast: boolean = true, customMessage: string = '', customError: string = '', passError: boolean = true) {
try {
const response = await axios[method]<Response<T>>(route, req)
} catch (error) {
As you can see, it is a wrapper around axios. It has some additional features like showing toasts and handling errors. It also has a type for the response. It is very important to have types for the response. You can use this method when you need to make a request to the server using axios.
📂 assets
This folder contains images and other assets, css, and scss files.
📂 components
This folder contains components. In this folder, we put global components that can be used in different places in the application. For example, we can put here a button component that can be used in different places in the application.
📂 composables
This folder contains composables. Composables are functions that can be used in different places in the application. Let's see one example:
export default function <T>(_route: string, autoLoad = false) {
const isReady = ref<boolean>(true)
const body = ref<{
filters: string | string[][] | Record<string, string> | URLSearchParams;
data: T[];
meta: {
total: number;
from: number;
to: number | null;
last_page: number | null;
per_page: number;
current_page: number;
page: number;
limit: number;
filters: {},
data: [],
meta: {
total: 10,
from: 1,
to: null,
last_page: null,
per_page: 20,
current_page: 1,
page: 1,
limit: 20,
const parse = (): string => {
let _filters = {}
Object.keys(body.value.filters).forEach((key) => {
if (body.value.filters[key] != null && body.value.filters[key] !== '') {
_filters[key] = body.value.filters[key]
const query = new URLSearchParams(_filters).toString()
return `${_route}?page=${}&limit=${body.value.limit}${query ? '&' + query : ''}`
const load = async () => {
isReady.value = false
body.value = { ...body.value, ...(await axios('get', parse())) }
isReady.value = true
const update = async () => {
body.value = { ...body.value, ...(await axios('get', parse(), null)) }
return body.value
onMounted(async () => {
if (autoLoad) {
await load()
return {
This composable is used for working with the table. It has a method for loading data from the server. It also has a method for updating data. It has a method for parsing the query string. It has a method for getting the query string. It has a method for getting the data from the server. I use this composable in the table component or other views where I need to load list data from the server.
If you want to learn more about composables, you can read the official documentation.
📂 config
This folder contains configuration files. I put here the variables from .env file. It needs for using variables from one place in the application, but not importing them from the .env file every time.
Let's see how it looks like:
export default {
api_url: `${import.meta.env.VITE_API || 'http://localhost:8000/v1'}`,
google_map_api_key: `${import.meta.env.VITE_GOOGLE_MAP_API_KEY || ''}`,
} as {
api_url: string,
google_map_api_key: string,
📂 layouts
This folder contains layouts. Layouts are used for wrapping the content of the page. For example, we can have a layout for the admin panel and a layout for the public part of the application.
📂 global
Here I put global components, composables, and other files that can be used in different places in the application. In this file, I register global components from different libraries, etc.
📂 i18n
This folder contains localization files. I use the vue-i18n library for localization. I put here localization files for different languages. I also put here the file with the configuration of the library. Let's see example for validation messages:
export const i18n = createI18n({
locale: 'ua',
messages: {
ua: {
validations: {
required: "Це поле обов'язкове",
requiredIf: "Це поле обов'язкове",
minLength: 'Мінімальна довжина {min} символів',
maxLength: 'Максимальна довжина {max} символів',
minValue: 'Мінімально допустиме значення становить {min}',
maxValue: 'Максимально дозволене значення {max}',
between: 'Значення має бути між {min} і {max}',
email: 'Значення має бути типу:',
sameAs: 'Значення має бути ідентичним',
numeric: 'Значення має бути числовим',
alpha: 'Значення має бути алфавітному порядку',
integer: 'Значення має бути цілим числом',
📂 numbers
This folder contains files with MAGIC_NUMBERS
. I use this file for storing magic numbers.
For example, I can put here the size of WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, etc.
📂 plugins
This folder contains plugins, which we can use in templates later.
// log.ts
const install = app => {
app.config.globalProperties.$log = (str: string) => {
export { install as default };
This plugin adds a $log
method to the global properties of the application. It can be used in templates like this:
<button @click="$log('Hello world')">Click me</button>
This method helps me to debug the application.
In this folder we need put index.ts
file, which will register all plugins:
export default app => {
📂 data
There are files with data. For example, I can put here the file with the lists or enums.
📂 tests
This folder contains tests. I use the Jest library for testing.
📂 types
This folder contains globally typescript types. I put here typescript types for different libraries, etc.
📂 utils
This folder contains utility files. Let's see example:
export default axios.create({
baseURL: config.api_url,
headers: {
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('access_token'),
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': 'ru,en;q=0.5'
This file contains the axios instance. I use this instance for making requests to the server. We use it in the api folder if you remember.
📂 validation
I use here global validation hook. Let's see example:
export default function useValidation(rules: object, state) {
const _rules = computed(() => rules)
const v$ = useValidate(_rules, state)
const isValid = async () => {
return !(await v$.value.$invalid)
return {
validation: v$,
This folder contains containers. Containers are used for structuring the application. If you heard some about Domain Driven Design, you can think about containers as about domains. I use containers for grouping components, views, etc. by domains.
Let's see example:
📂 project
┣ 📂 api
┣ 📂 components
┣ 📂 functions
┣ 📂 routes
┣ 📂 services
┣ 📂 types
┗ 📂 views
Let's see each folder meaning:
📂 api
This folder contains declarations of the api uris
. I put here the declaration of the api for the project.
Let's see example:
export const paginate_projects = 'projects'
export const select_address = (id: number | string) => `deals/${id}/addresses/select`
export const create_displacement = (id: number | string) => `deals/${id}/displacement/draft`
It helps me to avoid hard coding uris
in the project.
📂 components
This folder contains components. I put here components that are used only in this container.
📂 functions
This folder contains functions. I put here functions that are used only in this container.
📂 routes
This folder contains routes. I put here routes that are used only in this container. And later I use them in the global router file, which we will see later.
📂 services
In this folder, I put axios calls to the server. I use the axios instance from the utils folder. And declare types for the response from the server. Let's see example:
import {
} from '../api'
import type { cancelShipping } from '../types'
export const cancelShipping = async (id: number | string) => {
return await axios<LoadShipping>('post', cancel_shipping(id))
Here I use only local types, which are declared in the types
📂 types
This folder contains typescript types. I put here typescript types that are used only in this container.
📂 views
In this folder, I put components that are used in the routes.
📂 router
This folder contains the router file. I use the vue-router library for routing.
Let's see example:
const routes = [
path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*',
name: 'not_found',
component: NotFound,
meta: {
layout: 'Empty',
requireAuth: false,
permission: null,
group: null,
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(),
scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
return (
savedPosition || {
left: 0,
top: 0,
In this part of the file, I declare routes, import routes from containers, and create the router.
For store management, if you use JS you can use Vuex, but I use Pinia, because it is written in TypeScript and it is very easy to use.
Let's see example:
export const useUserStore = defineStore('user', {
state: () => ({
user: {} as User,
auth: false,
access_token: null,
first_route: null,
first_route_params: {},
first_route_query: {},
first: true,
call_channel: null,
} as UserStore),
actions: {
async setToken(token) {
this.access_token = token
reset() {
this.user = {} as User;
this.access_token = null;
this.auth = false;
async update(data) {
this.user = data
this.call_channel = `call.${}`
this.auth = true
can(permission) {
return this.user.permissions && Array.isArray(this.user.permissions) && this.user.permissions.includes(permission);
async setup(name, params, query) {
if (this.first) {
this.first_route = name
this.first_route_params = params
this.first_route_query = query
this.first = false
if (localStorage.getItem('access_token')) {
this.access_token = localStorage.getItem('access_token')
return true
} else {
return false
async logout() {
Here I declare the store, and declare actions, mutations, and state. I use the defineStore
function from the Pinia library.
📜 main.ts
We need this file for creating the application. Here we import all the necessary libraries, create the application, and mount it to the DOM. If you remember plugins, we use them here. Let's see example:
const pinia = createPinia()
const app = createApp(App)
app.directive('click-outside', clickOutside)
dsn: 'xxxx-xxxx',
integrations: [
new BrowserTracing({
routingInstrumentation: Sentry.vueRouterInstrumentation(router),
tracePropagationTargets: ['localhost', '', /^\//],
await router.isReady()
await plugins(app)
Here we create the application, import the router, store, and global plugin, and mount the application to the DOM. Now we end with the project structure.
Let's see how to create a different hard thing in the project.
Managing the layouts
In every big project, we have different layouts.
For example, we have a layout for the login page, and we have a layout for the main page.
And we need to manage them. For this, we have a layouts
folder. There we locate all the layouts.
But how to manage them? Let's see.
- First, we need to create a layout. Let's see example:
export default {
name: 'EmptyLayout',
<style scoped></style>
This is a simple layout. We have a slot, and we can put there any component. You can add more different things to the layout, but I think you understand the idea.
- Now we need to add this layout to meta in the router file. Let's see example:
path: '/login',
name: 'login',
component: LoginPage,
meta: {
layout: 'Empty'
and add other layouts to the meta in the other route
path: '/counterparties',
name: 'counterparties',
component: CounterpartiesView,
meta: {
layout: 'Side'
- Now we need to add switcher in the
file. Let's see example:
<component :is="layout">
<script lang="ts">
import SideLayout from './layouts/SideLayout.vue'
import EmptyLayout from './layouts/EmptyLayout.vue'
export default {
components: {
computed: {
layout() {
return `${this.$route.meta.layout}Layout`
Here we import all the layouts, and create a switcher. We use the :is
attribute for switching the layout.
We need to declare layouts as components in the components
Also create a computed property for switching the layout by meta in the router.
As for me, it is a basic way to manage layouts.
Authorization and managing permissions
It is a very important part of the project. We need to manage permissions. Also, I will explain how to manage authorization in the project.
We need to declare permissions in the
file. You can do it indata
folder: -
Firstly, we need to separate routes by required for authorization.
As you now we have /login
route. We need to separate it from other routes. Let's see example:
path: '/login',
name: 'login',
component: LoginPage,
meta: {
requireAuth: true
path: '/counterparties',
name: 'counterparties',
component: CounterpartiesView,
meta: {
requireAuth: true,
permission: 'project.get',
Here we have two routes. One of them is /login
and the second is /counterparties
. We need to separate them by requireAuth
If we have requireAuth: true
we need to check the user's auth. If we have requireAuth: false
we don't need to check the user's token.
Also, for each required auth route, we need to check the user's permissions. That understand if user can go to the route or not.
You ask me how to check the user's auth? Let's see.
- Middleware
in the router file.
We need to create a middleware for checking the user's auth. Let's see example:
beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
if (to.meta.requireAuth) {
// check the user's auth
} else {
return next()
Here we check the user's auth. If we have requireAuth: true
we need to check the user's auth, else we let the user go to the route.
- Checking the user's auth.
If you remember we have REST API application. So we need to send a request with token from localStore
to the server for checking the user's auth.
But we need to do it once when the user goes to the application, after that we need to remember the user's auth.
So we need to create a store for managing the user's auth. Let's see example:
export const useUserStore = defineStore('user', {
state: () => ({
user: {} as User,
auth: false,
actions: {
async setToken(token) {
this.access_token = token
can(permission) {
return this.user.permissions.includes(permission);
async update(data) {
this.user = data
this.auth = true
Here we create a store for managing the user's auth. We have two actions. The first is for setting the token, and the second is for updating the user's data.
We need to create a request for checking the user's auth. Let's update the beforeEach
router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
const userStore = useUserStore()
if (!userStore.auth && to.meta.requireAuth) {
try {
const response = await axios({
method: 'get',
url: `${config.api_url}profile`,
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('access_token'),
await userStore.update(
if (userStore.can(to.meta.permission)) {
return next()
return next('login')
} catch (error) {
return next('login')
} else if (userStore.auth && to.meta.requireAuth) {
if (userStore.can(to.meta.permission)) {
return next()
return next('login')
} else if (!to.meta.requireAuth) {
return next()
} else {
return next('login')
So, here we have 3 cases.
The first is when the user goes to the route with requireAuth: true
meta and the user's auth is false.
In this case, we need to send a request to the server for checking the user's auth.
If the localStore
token is valid, we need to update the user's data in the store and
check if the user has permission to go to the route. If the user has permission, we let the user go to the route, else we redirect the user to the login page.
The second is when the user goes to the route with requireAuth: true
meta and the user's auth is true. So we
understand that if the user's auth is true, the user had already been checked. So we need only to check if the user has permission to go to the route.
The third is when the user goes to the route with requireAuth: false
meta. In this case, we don't need to check the user's auth.
In this example, I simplified the code, but you can see the main idea.
We need to create a navigation for the application. If you remember, we have a SideLayout
component. We need to create a navigation in this component.
As you know, we have a different permission for each route. So we need to create a navigation based on the user's permissions.
Let's go to develop navigation.
- Firstly, we need to create a navigation in the
component. Let's see example:
<div class="side-layout">
<div class="side-layout__navigation">
<div class="side-layout__navigation-item" v-for="item in navigation" :key="">
<router-link :to="item.path" class="side-layout__navigation-link">
<div class="side-layout__navigation-icon">
<i :class="item.icon"></i>
<div class="side-layout__navigation-title">
{{ item.title }}
<div class="side-layout__content">
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { useNavigation } from '@/hooks/useNavigation'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'SideLayout',
setup() {
const { navigation } = useNavigation()
return {
Here we have a navigation. We use useNavigation
hook for getting navigation data.
- Next step is to create a list of navigation items.
Let's see example:
name: 'Projects',
path: { name: 'projects' },
icon: 'TableIcon',
current: false,
name: 'Deals',
path: { name: 'deals' },
icon: 'TableIcon',
current: false,
Here we have a list of navigation items. We have a name, href, icon, current, group, and permission.
- Next step is to create a function for getting navigation items based on the user's permissions.
If you remember we created useNavigation
hook. Let's see example:
export default function () {
const store = useUserStore()
const navigation = ref([])
onMounted(async () => {
navigation.value = navigation_data.filter(e => {
if (e.permission) {
return store.can(e.permission)
return true
return { navigation }
Here we have a function for getting navigation items based on the user's permissions. We use useUserStore
for getting the user's permissions.
If navigation item has permission, we check if the user has this permission. If the user has this permission, we add this navigation item to the navigation list.
Let's make our navigation dynamic. We need to add current
property to the navigation item. This property will be used for highlighting the current navigation item.
We need to highlight the current navigation item based on the current route. And automatically highlight the current navigation item when the user goes to another route or refreshes the page.
- Create a function for highlighting the current navigation item.
Update useNavigation
export default function () {
const route = useRoute()
const router = useRouter()
const store = useUserStore()
const navigation = ref([])
onMounted(async () => {
isReady.value = false
navigation.value = navigation_data.filter(item => {
if (item.permission) {
return store.can(item.permission)
return true
const findActive = (name: string) => {
navigation.value.forEach(item => {
if ( == name) {
item.current = true
const linkTo = (path) => {
navigation.value.forEach(item => {
item.current = false
return { navigation, findActive, linkTo }
Here we have a function for highlighting the current navigation item.
When the user first goes to the page, or refreshes the page, onMounted
hook will be called, and we will call findActive
which will highlight the current navigation item based on the current route.
Second case, when the user goes to another route using navigation, we will call linkTo
function, which will highlight the current navigation item based on the current route.
Update SideLayout
<div class="side-layout">
<div class="side-layout__navigation">
<div class="side-layout__navigation-item" v-for="item in navigation" :key="">
<div @click="linkTo(item.href)" :class="[item.current ? 'highlight' : '', 'side-layout__navigation-link']">
<div class="side-layout__navigation-icon">
<i :class="item.icon"></i>
<div class="side-layout__navigation-title">
{{ item.title }}
<div class="side-layout__content">
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { useNavigation } from '@/hooks/useNavigation'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'SideLayout',
setup() {
const { navigation, linkTo } = useNavigation()
return {
navigation, linkTo
Here we have a navigation. We use useNavigation
hook for getting navigation data. And we use linkTo
function for highlighting the current navigation item based on the current route.
It is simplified code. You can add more functionality to the navigation. For example, you can add a group to the navigation item. And you can create a dropdown menu for the navigation item. In my project with 3-level navigation, I used this concept, but I added more functionality to the navigation. You can try in your project.
Add toasts
When we create a new project, we need to add toasts. For example, when the user creates a new project, we need to show toast with a message that the project was created successfully. Or when the user deletes a project, we need to show toast with a message that the project was deleted successfully. In some cases, we need to show different types of toasts. For example, success, error, warning, etc.
Let's create a toast component.
- Create a
<script setup lang="ts">
import { CircleInfoIcon, CloseMdIcon, CircleCheckIcon, CircleWarningIcon } from '@devheniik/icons'
import { computed } from 'vue'
import type { FunctionalComponent, HTMLAttributes, VNodeProps } from 'vue'
const props = withDefaults(
variant?: 'primary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger'
text: string
variant: 'primary',
text: '',
interface Emits {
(e: 'close'): void
(e: 'shown'): void
const emit = defineEmits<Emits>()
const close = () => {
const icon = computed<FunctionalComponent<HTMLAttributes & VNodeProps> | string>(() => {
let icon = CircleInfoIcon
switch (props.variant) {
case 'primary':
icon = CircleInfoIcon
case 'success':
icon = CircleCheckIcon
case 'warning':
icon = CircleWarningIcon
case 'danger':
icon = CircleWarningIcon
return icon
<div class="v-alert v-toast">
<div :class="['v-alert__left-border', `bg-${variant}-medium`]"></div>
<slot name="icon">
<component :is="icon" :class="['v-alert__icon', `v-text_${variant}_medium`]" />
<main class="v-alert__main">
<p class="v-alert__text">{{ text }}</p>
<button :class="['v-alert__close_flat', 'v-alert__close']" @click="close">
<CloseMdIcon class="v-alert__close-icon" />
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import '../../assets/themes/main/components/alert.scss';
This is a component from my own library. You can use your own component or use a component from a third-party library.
So, now we need to manage toasts, which rotes has been shown, which waits for showing, etc. Best way to do this is to use Pinia or Vuex.
- Create a store module for managing toasts.
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import uuid from '../../functions/uuid'
const useToastStore = defineStore('toast', {
state: () => ({
list: [],
actions: {
createToast(variant: string, text: string) {
uuid: uuid(),
component: 'v-toast',
show: true,
data: {
deleteToast(uuid) {
this.list = this.list.filter(n => n.uuid !== uuid)
export default useToastStore
Here we have a store module for managing toasts. We have two actions: createToast
and deleteToast
action creates a new toast and adds it to the list.
action deletes toast from the list. We use uuid
for identifying toasts.
- Create a
<div class="fixed mt-10 top-0 right-0 w-auto flex flex-col pt-3 pr-3 items-center space-y-4 sm:items-end z-[99999999999999999999]">
v-for="(notification, i) in notifications"
@close="del(notification.uuid)" />
<script lang="ts">
import useToastStore from '../store/modules/toast'
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { VToast } from 'vuesty'
export default {
name: 'NotificationLayout',
components: {
setup() {
const store = useToastStore()
const handleLoad = uuid => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000)
return {
notifications: computed(() => store.list),
del: uuid => store.deleteToast(uuid),
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
Here we have a ToastLayout
component. We use useToastStore
for getting toasts. And we use VToast
component for showing toasts.
We can use VToast
component because we use component
property in the toast object. And we use data
property for passing props to the toast component.
You can change component, but you need to declare them in the components
function is used for deleting toasts after 5 seconds.
function is used for deleting toasts immediately.
- Add
component to theApp
<component :is="layout">
<script lang="ts">
import SideLayout from './layouts/SideLayout.vue'
import EmptyLayout from './layouts/EmptyLayout.vue'
import ToastLayout from './layouts/ToastLayout.vue'
export default {
components: {
computed: {
layout() {
return `${this.$route.meta.layout}Layout`
Now we can use createToast
action in any component to create and show toasts.
For example, after getting 201
status code from the server we can show toast with a success message in api/index.ts
export default async function <T>(method: string, route: string, req: any = {}, showToast: boolean = true, customMessage: string = '', customError: string = '', passError: boolean = true) {
const { createToast } = useToastStore()
try {
const response = await axios[method]<Response<T>>(route, req)
if (response.status === 201 && customMessage) {
createToast('success', customMessage)
} catch (error) {
if (error.response?.status == 401) {
createToast('danger', 'Authorization error')
This is one of the most routine tasks in the development of any application. And we need to make it as simple as possible for developing, but right for using as user.
For this, we will use vuelidate.
- Install
We can use it already after installing. But I want to create some code sugar for using it.
- Create wrapper for
import { computed } from 'vue'
import useValidate from '@vuelidate/core'
export default function useValidation(rules: object, state) {
const _rules = computed(() => rules)
const v$ = useValidate(_rules, state)
const isValid = async () => {
return !(await v$.value.$invalid)
return {
validation: v$,
You saw it bow. Here we get rules wrap it in computed
and pass to useValidate
Also, here we have isValid
function. It is used for checking validation. It returns true
if validation is passed and false
if not.
- Localize validation messages.
In my project, I use localization. And I want to localize validation messages.
For this, we need to create a validation.js
file in the functions
import * as validators from '@vuelidate/validators'
import { i18n } from '../i18n'
const { createI18nMessage } = validators
const withI18nMessage = createI18nMessage({ t: })
export const required = withI18nMessage(validators.required)
export const requiredIf = withI18nMessage(validators.requiredIf, { withArguments: true })
export const minLength = withI18nMessage(validators.minLength, { withArguments: true })
export const maxLength = withI18nMessage(validators.maxLength, { withArguments: true })
export const minValue = withI18nMessage(validators.minValue, { withArguments: true })
export const maxValue = withI18nMessage(validators.maxValue, { withArguments: true })
export const between = withI18nMessage(validators.between, { withArguments: true })
export const sameAs = withI18nMessage(validators.sameAs, { withArguments: true })
export const email = withI18nMessage(
export const numeric = withI18nMessage(validators.numeric)
export const alpha = withI18nMessage(validators.alpha)
export const helpers = validators.helpers
export const integer = withI18nMessage(validators.integer)
Bow you saw that we use i18n
for localization. And we use createI18nMessage
function for creating localized messages.
I will not sow this again, but we will use it in the validation
- Use in the component.
Below you can see an example of using validation in the elementary component, for entity with one required field.
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-3">
<form-wrap label="Назва" :trigger="validation.title">
<v-input v-model="data.title" placeholder="Manager" @input="resetServerError"></v-input>
<v-checkbox v-model="data.is_driver" label="Driver"></v-checkbox>
<footer class="modal__footer">
<v-button color="light" class="grow" @click="$emit('cancel')" >Create</v-button>
<v-button class="grow" @click="handleSave">{{ edit ? 'Update' : 'Create' }}</v-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import FormWrap from '../../../components/forms/FormWrap.vue'
import { VInput, VButton, VCheckbox} from 'vuesty'
import useValidation from '../../../validation'
import { maxLength, required, minLength } from '../../../validation/validators.js'
import { Job } from '../types'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
const props = withDefaults(
job: Job
edit?: boolean
edit: false,
interface Emits {
(e: 'save', value: Job): void
(e: 'cancel'): void
(e: 'update:errors', value: any): void
const emit = defineEmits<Emits>()
const data = reactive<Job>(cloneDeep(props.job))
const resetServerError = () => {
emit('update:errors', '')
const { validation, isValid } = useValidation(
title: { required, maxLength: maxLength(255), minLength: minLength(2) },
const handleSave = async () => {
if (await isValid()) {
emit('save', data)
<style scoped></style>
Here we use useValidation
function for creating a validation object. And we pass it to v-input
And after that, we use isValid
function for checking validation. If validation is passed we emit save
CRUD operations
We can create a simple component, we need to fill Job entity with data. As you now almost Entities can be created and updated. And we need to create 2 components for this. And usually we need to change some of these created and updated components. And we need to make it twice. It is not good.
For this case, I propose to you to create a Wrapper components for creating and updating. First time you can think that it is not good, because we need to create 3 components instead of 2. But if you will use it in the future you will see that it is a good idea.
- Create
<CRUDJob :job="job" @save="handleSaveEmit" @cancel="$emit('cancel')"/>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { createJob } from '../services'
import CRUDJob from './CRUDJob.vue'
import { Job } from '../types'
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
import {handleServerErrors} from '../../../utils/getServerResponseErrors'
const job = reactive<Job>({
title: '',
is_driver: false,
const errors = ref({})
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'save'): void
(e: 'cancel'): void
const handleSaveEmit = async(value) => {
const serverErrors = await handleServerErrors(createJob, value)
if(serverErrors) {
errors.value = serverErrors
else {
<style scoped></style>
<CRUDJob :job="job" edit @save="handleSaveEmit" @cancel="$emit('cancel')" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { updateJob } from '../services'
import { Job } from '../types'
import CRUDJob from './CRUDJob.vue'
import {handleServerErrors} from '../../../utils/getServerResponseErrors'
const props = withDefaults(
data: Job
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'update'): void
(e: 'cancel'): void
const job = ref(cloneDeep(
const errors = ref({})
const handleSaveEmit = async(value) => {
const serverErrors = await handleServerErrors(updateJob, value)
if(serverErrors) {
errors.value = serverErrors
else {
<style scoped></style>
There are 2 components. They are almost the same. But in the first component, we create a new entity.
And in the second component, we update an existing entity. And we use edit
prop for this.
In both components, we use CRUDJob
component. And we pass job
and errors
to it.
- Create
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-3">
<form-wrap label="Назва" :trigger="validation.title">
<v-input v-model="data.title" placeholder="Manager" @input="resetServerError"></v-input>
<v-checkbox v-model="data.is_driver" label="Driver"></v-checkbox>
<footer class="modal__footer">
<v-button color="light" class="grow" @click="$emit('cancel')" >Create</v-button>
<v-button class="grow" @click="handleSave">{{ edit ? 'Update' : 'Create' }}</v-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import FormWrap from '../../../components/forms/FormWrap.vue'
import { VInput, VButton, VCheckbox} from 'vuesty'
import useValidation from '../../../validation'
import { maxLength, required, minLength } from '../../../validation/validators.js'
import { Job } from '../types'
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'
const props = withDefaults(
job: Job
edit?: boolean
edit: false,
interface Emits {
(e: 'save', value: Job): void
(e: 'cancel'): void
(e: 'update:errors', value: any): void
const emit = defineEmits<Emits>()
const data = reactive<Job>(cloneDeep(props.job))
const resetServerError = () => {
emit('update:errors', '')
const { validation, isValid } = useValidation(
title: { required, maxLength: maxLength(255), minLength: minLength(2) },
const handleSave = async () => {
if (await isValid()) {
emit('save', data)
<style scoped></style>
You saw this component before. And now when we need to change something in this component, we need to change it only once.
And we can use it in CreateJob.vue
and UpdateJob.vue
In summary, when building large Vue.js applications with many components, it is important to structure the project properly. A clean project structure with separation of concerns makes the codebase easy to navigate and maintain. Some key points are:
- Organize code into domains/features using a container structure. This groups related components, services, etc together.
- Manage layouts by creating layout components and switching them based on route metadata. This allows flexible layouts.
- Handle authorization and permissions in router guards by checking meta data and user permissions. Store auth state in Pinia/Vuex.
- Build reusable components for common UI elements. Use a global components folder to make them available everywhere.
- Abstract API calls into reusable services using proper typing.
- Use Pinia/Vuex to manage global state like auth, notifications, etc.
- Leverage composables for reusable logic.
- Create wrapper CRUD components for consistent create/update UIs.
Following these patterns allows the application to scale while keeping a maintainable structure. The overall goal is to build robust, reusable code that remains organized as the app grows in size and complexity. Proper planning and structure makes developing complex Vue.js applications much easier.